Bulletin Board

If you have an upcoming sanitation event or related news item, please share it with us!


2013 Water & Health: Where Science Meets Policy

The 2013 Water and Health Conference: Where Science Meets Policy, organized by The Water Institute at UNC, will consider drinking water supply, sanitation, hygiene and water resources in both the developing and developed worlds with a strong public health emphasis.

Visit https://whconference.unc.edu/ for further information!

In 2015, 2.4 billion people will use unimproved sanitation facilities

The WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation has released the Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation 2013 Update. The report indicates that the MDG target on sanitation is projected to be missed by half a billion people. With less than three years to go, a final push is needed to meet this target. Click here to read the full report.

Sanitation Drive to 2015 Planner’s Guide

The Planner’s Guide was developed for anyone interested in running a campaign that calls for an end to open defecation and to improve sanitation at the country, regional or local level. The theme of the Planner’s Guide is “Big or Small – Sanitation for all” and is meant to inspire creative visual and textual interpretations. It is easily adaptable for different cultures, languages and contexts. Translations into additional languages will be available soon. Click here to see full report in English or French.